Friday, March 13, 2009

As many as you know, Tricia's brother, Steve and his family have been in Tanzania for over 7 years. Two weeks ago, their parents and oldest brother, Mark came for a visit. Before they headed back to America, we took them on a safari. Here are some highlights of our trip.

To give you a perspective on how close we REALLY were!

Taking their afternoon "Cat Nap" getting ready for the big kill!

This male lion was about 30 yards from our car, what a great sight to see!

The meanest and ugliest animal in Tanzania; The Hyena
This guy was right outside our car window


Marilyn said...

WOW! That is amazing. Sometimes we forget that there are really places in the world where you don't have to go to the zoo to see these regal animals. God Bless you both as you serve Him. Keep posting pictures, I love seeing them.

One Crazy Girl said...

I can't believe how close you were, that's awesome! :-) My parents wanted to go to the Bronx Zoo this weekend and it made me think of you. We didn't end up going, but that's besides the point. I miss you guys!!

One Crazy Girl said...

The zebras look like they are smelling each other with their sniffers in an orderly fashion.