Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Endasak Baptist Church- A New Church is Born

In March, 2012, God enabled us to start the newest church plant out of the Truth Baptist Church in Katesh. Endasak is a small, Muslim town about 15 minutes away from Katesh. Since the birth of this church we have seen about 10 trust Christ as their Savior and 4 have been baptized. We currently have an average of 18 adults each Sunday morning with a few children. About ten people are involved in the discipleship lessons and three have already completed. We praise the Lord for His many blessings as we see His hand work to provide for this young church. We are currently looking for a piece of land to purchase to start building a permanent meeting place and a pastor's home.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rachel's First Birthday and more.....

It seems like just yesterday we were waiting in icy Ohio weather to finally meet our first daughter, Rachel Lynn. We were blessed on February 3rd to celebrate her first birthday with family and friends in Katesh, Tanzania.

Timothy House and Basotu Baptist Church Building Dedications

A group from our home church, Canton Baptist Temple came in honor of their brother and son, Timothy Hoffman, to dedicate the new Timothy House building, a home for teenage boys. Also, during that same weekend we were able to dedicate the new church building for the first church plant, Basotu Baptist Church. It was a week full of new beginnings!